Reviewer of books

GateIn Cookbook

As an expert consultant of JBoss Portal and GateIn, I was very pleased to review the : GateIn Cookbook from Packt Publishing.

The book is interesting, and a good way to manage with many usual needs with the portal, and to learn about GateIn.

JBoss EAP Configuration, Deployment, and Administration [Video]

I have reviewed the learning video, about JBoss AS and WildFly : JBoss EAP Configuration, Deployment, and Administration [Video] from Packt Publishing.

It is a very interesting video, and a good way to learn the administration of JBoss AS7 and WildFly.

Some comments about the review of the JBoss EAP Configuration, Deployment, and Administration [Video] are there.

Logiciel Hearing Test Base

Conjointement aux activités de prestations de réalisation de portails internet, a réalisé et commercialisé un logiciel utile dans le domaine des tests d'écoute pour les personnes.

Voir : Hearing Test Base, un logiciel pour stocker et imprimer des tests d'écoute, pour l'Audio-Psycho-Phonologie.

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